Benjamin Bischoff on test automation and software craftsmanship

I am a test automation engineer at trivago N.V. (ex Senior Automation Engineer at Ubisoft Düsseldorf) writing and talking about software development and testing.

Check out my book "Writing API Tests with Karate"!

Lately, I have been thinking about the old discussion about the purpose, pros and cons of automated tests.

There are different opinions when it comes to test automation and I will try to break them down one by one.

A little disclaimer first: this is not about bragging! I would just like to take the oportunity to tell you a little bit about my journey into test automation. In fact I presented this during the Nordic Testing Days 2019 conference in Tallinn, Estonia.

At trivago, we use a Cucumber based framework for end-to-end tests of our most important web applications. Cucumber stores test result as JSON files which can be turned into human-readable test reports.

Up until now we used the widespread cucumber-reporting Maven plugin.

At trivago, we are using an in-house developed Selenium framework based on cucumber-jvm to run automated browser tests. As the test suite increased (the time exceeded 45 minutes for a full run), we were looking for ways to move away from sequential towards parallel execution.