Benjamin Bischoff on test automation and software craftsmanship

I am a test automation engineer at trivago N.V. (ex Senior Automation Engineer at Ubisoft Düsseldorf) writing and talking about software development and testing.

Check out my book "Writing API Tests with Karate"!

The brand new Cluecumber 3.9.0 reporting solution for Cucumber BDD and Karate tests is now released with a lot of fixes and improvements.

Also, it includes the new dark mode feature which was added by Giuseppe Donati

Check it out here:

So far, I have published two pretty successful open source projects along with a few that are flying under the radar. In this post, I will share what I learned along the way with one of them.

I just released my new open source project "Sandboy Surefire Reporting". It is a very clear and concise alternative report generator for Surefire XML files.

There are different ways to monitor a system to ensure its performance, stability, reliability and resilience. Along with the "usual suspects", we also use end to end tests for this purpose.

Recently, I read a Tweet by Maaret Pyhäjärvi concerning the value of test automation. She claimed that "Lack of test automation moves known knowns to unknown knowns."

I strongly agree because if you don't have automation in place to "remind" you of known issues that might come up again, you will forget about them. In my view, test reporting plays a strong role in this as well.